HackyHour Würzburg 84
- When: Monday October 23^rd^, 2023 at 5pm c.t.
- Where: Physics Department - Seminar Room SE3 in building P1.
- Info: HackyHour Website
Future Dates
HackyHour always happens on the 4th Monday of each month at 5pm c.t.. Alternating only between locations:
- even month: HackyHour is in the Physics Department
- odd month: HackyHour is in the CCTB
Please add your name and indicate if you want to order pizza :pizza: and optional preferences/dislikes (this is required if you want pizza and can’t join on time)
- »Add your name here«
- Markus :pizza:
- Andi :pizza:
- Chaitanya
- Flo :pizza: (vegetarian. I will arrive around 6pm)
- Max :pizza:
- Caro :pizza:
- Jonas :pizza:
- Max :pizza:
Topic Suggestions
Add your suggestions to the list (https://hackyhour.github.io/Wuerzburg/pad_archive/HackyHour_Wuerzburg_083). Topics are selected after a brief presentation through successive elimination. If someone comes with a real problem, this has priority.
- deRSE24: CfC Now open: https://events.hifis.net/event/994/
- HackyHour Germany Meetup?
- Boardgame evening: 25.10 in TP1 seminar room.
- APL “an array-oriented programming language that will change the way you think about problems and data”
- Rankk.org (e.g. Select now, Eliza speak)
- Incorporating non-linear evolutionary game dynamics in IsoMatrix paper the matlab code is here
- Bundesliga betting game statistics - .db dump of 22/23 season on couchtipper (private tipp game) with 11k+ individual tipps.
- WebGPU with wgpu.rs - a portable cross platform GPU library, maybe follow sotrh/learn-wgpu.
- button man