HackyHour Würzburg

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HackyHour Würzburg 83


Future Dates

A representative poll indicated, that Monday is currently the best day of the week (it is not super popular, but on each other day, there is at least one person who can not make it). The new start time is 5 pm c.t. So we are back at a fixed schedule. HackyHour always happens on the 4th Monday of each month at 5pm c.t.. Alternating only between locations:


Please add your name and indicate if you want to order pizza :pizza: and optional preferences/dislikes (this is required if you can’t join on time)

  • »Add your name here«
  • Markus :pizza:
  • Max :pizza:
  • Andi :pizza:
  • Robin :pizza:
  • Jana :pizza:
  • Flo :pizza: (30mins late… vegetarian pizza)
  • Sascha :pizza:

Topic Suggestions

Add your suggestions to the list (https://hackyhour.github.io/Wuerzburg/pad_archive/HackyHour_Wuerzburg_082). Topics are selected after a brief presentation through successive elimination. If someone comes with a real problem, this has priority.

Real problems

Fun problems

Maybe another time