HackyHour Würzburg 50
- When: October 22nd, 2020 at 5:00pm
- Where: :exclamation: Virtual! :exclamation:
- Zoom:
- https://uni-wuerzburg.zoom.us/j/96808442479?pwd=dDdIU3YvbzI4cTRSVGNsZTQzRDJEdz09
- Meeting ID: 968 0844 2479
- Password: 973700
- Info: HackyHour Website
- :traffic_light: As the covid numbers are rising in Würzburg we can not meet in person :cry: That won’t keep us from having some fun, however! :computer:
Topic Suggestions
Add your :+1: to the end of a line you are interested in
- Practice Data Science Skills: TidyTuesday
- Project Euler
- A challenge platform for data science
- Git Exercises
- Say it challenge (hacker.org) pyAudioAnalysis, LibROSA, silero, wav2vec 2.0
- Revisit reinforcement learning with nethack
- Natural Language processing in Python with NLTK
- Tidy Time Series Analysis in R: tidyverts
- GenForce - An efficient PyTorch library for deep generative modeling. May the Generative Force (GenForce) be with You.
- [Papaya2] Shape analysis: https://morphometry.org/
Please add your name and indicate if you prefer to join remotely :computer: and if you want to order pizza :pizza:
- Markus :pizza: :computer:
- Jonas :computer:
- Flo :desktop_computer:
- Franzi :computer:
- Martina :computer: