HackyHour Würzburg

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HackyHour Würzburg 84


Future Dates

HackyHour always happens on the 4th Monday of each month at 5pm c.t.. Alternating only between locations:


Please add your name and indicate if you want to order pizza :pizza: and optional preferences/dislikes (this is required if you want pizza and can’t join on time)

  • »Add your name here«
  • Markus :pizza:
  • Andi :pizza:
  • Chaitanya
  • Flo :pizza: (vegetarian. I will arrive around 6pm)
  • Max :pizza:
  • Caro :pizza:
  • Jonas :pizza:
  • Max :pizza:

Topic Suggestions

Add your suggestions to the list (https://hackyhour.github.io/Wuerzburg/pad_archive/HackyHour_Wuerzburg_083). Topics are selected after a brief presentation through successive elimination. If someone comes with a real problem, this has priority.